Lupei Senior Source

Assisted Living Facility Consulting

We offer a variety of services for assisted living facilities. Whether preparing for initial license inspection or  updating  books, we are the one-stop shop for all  caregiver and resident files updates. We know it can get complicated and difficult to keep business running while sending staff out to update state-required documents. For convenience, all services are mobile.

First Aid/CPR AED - BLS Instructor

Finger printing

Continued Education


Facility Management Services and Consultations


Assisted Living Facility Consulting

We offer a variety of services for assisted living facilities. Whether preparing for initial license inspection or  updating  books, we are the one-stop shop for all  caregiver and resident files updates. We know it can get complicated and difficult to keep business running while sending staff out to update state-required documents. For convenience, all services are mobile.

First Aid/CPR AED - BLS Instructor

Finger printing

Continued Education


Facility Management Services and Consultations


Assisted Living Facility Consulting

We offer a variety of services for assisted living facilities. Whether preparing for initial license inspection or  updating  books, we are the one-stop shop for all  caregiver and resident files updates. We know it can get complicated and difficult to keep business running while sending staff out to update state-required documents. For convenience, all services are mobile.

First Aid/CPR AED - BLS Instructor

Finger printing

Continued Education


Facility Management Services and Consultations


Explore Our Services

Our services provide you with the best solutions to your needs.


Our notary is insured and bonded. We are able to notarize any documents, including residents’ personal documents, coming right to each facility. 


For residents moving into a facility, we only partner with quality facilities to ensure an easy transition. 

Finger Printing

We make it easy by coming to each facility and filling out the application, doing the fingerprints in-home, and submitting the application (including the fee to DPS). 

Continued Education

As an approved instructor by the NCIA board, we offer all  yearly credit hours required to maintain each certificate/manager license. Our curriculum is one of the best and most updated possible. Each course is designed to educate and help understand the importance of our roles as caregivers and managers. 

First Aid/CPR AED - BLS Instructor

As BLS instructors, we are able to service all caregivers and medical personnel on staff to ensure they are up to date with their First Aid/CPR and AED courses. We offer a variety of course options to accommodate schedules, including in person courses, hybrid courses (education part online, demo in person), and virtual courses (everything via video chat).

Facility Management Services and Consultations

From the initial inspection preparation to simply updating forms to reconciling paperwork, we ensure that each facility is in compliance with state regulations. This includes reviewing all resident and employee files and step-by-step foolproof methods to make sure each facility is able to efficiently keep up with all paperwork. 

If needed, we work with experienced managers that are able to assign their license to each facility and offer continuous oversight.

Explore Our Services

Our services provide you with the best solutions to your needs.


Our notary is insured and bonded. We are able to notarize any documents, including residents’ personal documents, coming right to each facility. 


For residents moving into a facility, we only partner with quality facilities to ensure an easy transition. 

Finger Printing

We make it easy by coming to each facility and filling out the application, doing the fingerprints in-home, and submitting the application (including the fee to DPS). 

Continued Education

As an approved instructor by the NCIA board, we offer all  yearly credit hours required to maintain each certificate/manager license. Our curriculum is one of the best and most updated possible. Each course is designed to educate and help understand the importance of our roles as caregivers and managers. 

First Aid/CPR AED - BLS Instructor

As BLS instructors, we are able to service all caregivers and medical personnel on staff to ensure they are up to date with their First Aid/CPR and AED courses. We offer a variety of course options to accommodate schedules, including in person courses, hybrid courses (education part online, demo in person), and virtual courses (everything via video chat).

Facility Management Services and Consultations

From the initial inspection preparation to simply updating forms to reconciling paperwork, we ensure that each facility is in compliance with state regulations. This includes reviewing all resident and employee files and step-by-step foolproof methods to make sure each facility is able to efficiently keep up with all paperwork. 

If needed, we work with experienced managers that are able to assign their license to each facility and offer continuous oversight.

Meet the owner

Nathan Lupei

Nathan Lupei

Hi my name is Nathan Lupei. My wife and I started from the bottom and have seen just about all. With many years of experience as caregivers we can identify and help with the day to day difficulties that our homes are exposed to. Over the last couple years as assisted living managers, we noticed that we are all in need of assistance keeping up with and implementing the changes that come so often. We came up with this “one stop shop” concept to assist facilities and their staff with the day to day operations. Of course with having so much exposure to so many different people we were privileged to partner with agencies that go above and beyond. And so we work with excellent facilities to help fill those empty beds. Our mission is to offer relief and support to homes so that they can focus their attention on the day to day love and care for the residents. 

Meet the owner

Nathan Lupei

Hi my name is Nathan Lupei. My wife and I started from the bottom and have seen just about all. With many years of experience as caregivers we can identify and help with the day to day difficulties that our homes are exposed to. Over the last couple years as assisted living managers, we noticed that we are all in need of assistance keeping up with and implementing the changes that come so often. We came up with this “one stop shop” concept to assist facilities and their staff with the day to day operations. Of course with having so much exposure to so many different people we were privileged to partner with agencies that go above and beyond. And so we work with excellent facilities to help fill those empty beds. Our mission is to offer relief and support to homes so that they can focus their attention on the day to day love and care for the residents. 

Nathan Lupei

Nathan Lupei

Licensed Manager

Licensed Manager

Natanael Lupei

Licensed Manager

Nathan Lupei

Licensed Manager

Natanael Lupei

Licensed Manager

Contact us

Reach out for more in information

With personalized service you can always reach us by submitting a request through the site or directly by email or phone call.

Call us at 404-805-4697

Email us at

Contact us

Reach out for more in information

With personalized service you can always reach us by submitting a request through the site or directly by email or phone call.

Call us at 404-805-4697

Email us at

©2023 Lupei Senior Source,LLC

©2023 Lupei Senior Source,LLC